Saturday, May 21, 2011

In My Mailbox 11

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi from  the Story Siren

Here is what I got this week!

I only got two books because I bought four from the Book Depository that have not received yet. So her what I got:

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

I would also like to take the time to apologize for not posting a lot in the last few days. I have been sick, working and trying to get everything done now that school is over. Now I’m back! I have one week left of work, then I’ll be on vacation for two weeks. Not that I’m going anywhere. I’ll simply be enjoying the freedom of being able to do whatever I want, without having to take in consideration my job.

Now, what did you get this week?


  1. Love Kelley Armstrong! Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Enjoy your vacation!

  2. I have the gather on my tbr pile :) I hope you enjoy your haul, happy reading XD

  3. Yay for WG,WG. I loved it and all John Green books. Happy Reading :)

  4. Really want to read The Gathering, love Kelley Armstrong so much. Happy reading!

  5. Nice IMM I hsve a load coming from Amazon lol I hate waiting! You can see my mailbox here:
