Sunday, June 03, 2012

BEA+NYC: Update Day 1

Hi guys! I’m currently in NYC for BEA (I won't be online as much this week, because of that), so I thought I would update you a little about what is going on with me. Saturday I was flying to New York for the week. Things didn’t start so well, but I made it on time.

What happened? Well, first, my father was driving me to the airport, and he lives about an hour away from my place. One of my father’s dogs, Jack, decided that morning that it was the perfect day to run away. So when my dad was supposed to leave his place to pick me up, he couldn’t find Jack. That made him about almost an hour late to pick me up (10:50) and my flight was at 12:50. The airport is maybe 25 minutes away from my place.

Luckily, they’re almost no one traveling from Montreal on Saturdays, or so it seems. It only took me 20 minutes to go through everything. Then the flight was so smooth and everything (NOT). There was a lot of turbulences, and guess who was stuck in from of a kicking and screaming baby? Of course, me. The flight was only an hour, so it wasn’t that bad.

Once I had dropped everything at my hotel, I tried to do some shopping. My goal was to go to Paul Smith and The Strand. I ended getting lost trying to find it, so I didn’t make it to the Strand (I’ll probably go Sunday). I sadly didn’t buy anything for me, as I hate trying clothes on when there that many people in the stores (I hate waiting. That’s why I love shopping at stores where everything is refundable, as YOU CAN TRY AT HOME (like in Canada)

I walked around New York for about four hours, which is something I love. I don’t know why, getting lost is my favorite way to discover a city.

I already can’t wait to see all the bloggers at BBC Monday. Are any of you in New York City for BEA?  Anyone wants to meet?


  1. You made it! Yea! And how funny - getting lost in a new city is my favorite way to explore too! We wandered around for almost 4 hours in London once and had a blast! :)

    Won't be in town until Monday night to go to a pub party, then Tues-Thur at BEA. Have fun, and hope you find The Strand okay!

  2. What a first day! But you made it here, and that's what counts!

    We got "lost" going to The Strand last night - but that's because I took us down the wrong direction of Broadway from Union Square. BUT we made it. Thankfully it's open Mon-Sat until 10:30pm!!!

    Have a great second day and hopefully I'll see you at BEA!!!

  3. Dear!!
    Amazing recap =D
    At BEA I totally thought that I actually met you there!LOL. I didn;t reconized you from our last meeting which was back in September last year. SRY!! >_< but oh girl! you do have a great memory O_O! lol

    It was very nice to see you :)

    take care! muah!

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