Monday, May 23, 2011

ABEA: Introduction

Here's a little introduction, for those of you who don't know who I am!

Twitter: @emdelorme

Who am I? I’m a 19 years old student, who’s turning 20 soon! I’m in love with books, music and arts. I can’t live without coffee, that’s for sure. I’m starting university in the fall… What else would you like to know? I'm from Montreal, and I mostly speak French at home. That's why my English in far from perfect. 

Book love: Of course, I’m a YA lover, as you can see on my blog, but I also enjoy Philip Kerr’s novel, Charlaine Harris and many other adult novels. I simply prefer YA. I don’t usually give up on books, but I may take a break from it if I’m in a book funk.

Most anticipated books of 2011? Supernaturally by Kiersten White or Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare.

Reading. Where? I read everywhere, and I'll probably chck the ABEA everywhere. I just got myself an Iphone (a great gift from me to me with love for surviving college.) which will help me stay connected everywhere. Yet, my favorite place is certainly in my bed. There is no better place to enjoy a great book. With a good cup of coffee? That's what I call paradise!

That’s me! If you want to know more, there’s the About Me page that can help you, or you can simply ask me questions, I will gladly answer them!


  1. I wish I could speak French. That's awesome!

  2. Cool that you know French! I love the language and am currently studying it and I hope to know French as well in the future :) Nice to meet you!

  3. I love France! I'm reading Anna and the French Kiss and it makes me want to hop on a plane right now. Happy ABEA & Reading :)

  4. I can't live without coffee either! :) I love Charlaine Harris as well! It's great to find your blog!
    Armchair BEA: About Us!

  5. I am definitely anticipating those two books as well!

    Please, your English is awesome. Even after taking French all through elementary school and one year in high school I still haven't a clue how to say anything except the basics. I'm always impressed by people who are bilingual.

  6. Hi Em!! I am a huge coffee fan as well. Please do not apologize for your English. It is better than my German ever was, and German was my major in college.

    Welcome to Armchair BEA! I hope you have a blast!

  7. Hello!! not a coffee drinker but love me some cocoa. any flavor, all day any season. french, currently studying and man is a bit harder than i thought. nice blog decor. check you out later during the BEA activities.

  8. Hi! I just found your blog and I'm your newest follower!

    That's so cool that you speak French at home! I can barely speak Spanish for my second language at school :p I LOVE to read in my bed too! Haha, I really need to stop though because I always fall asleep :) Oh, and I love the name of your blog, and what you said beneath it at the top of your blog. So beautiful!
