Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: dancergirl

Title: dancergirl
Author: Carol M. Tanzman
Series: WiHi #1
Release Date: November 15th, 2011
Number of Pages: 248
Publisher: Harlequin
Source: NetGalley
A friend posted a video of me dancing online, and now I’m no longer Alicia Ruffino. I’m dancergirl. And suddenly it’s like me against the world—everyone’s got opinions.
My admirers want more, the haters hate, my best friend Jacy—even he’s acting weird. And some stalker isn’t content to just watch anymore.
Ali. dancergirl. Whatever you know me as, however you’ve seen me online, I’ve trained my whole life to be the best dancer I can be. But if someone watching has their way, I could lose way more than just my love of dancing. I could lose my life.
 Wow! I was really surprised by this book. Not that I was expecting it to be bad. Far from it. I just didn’t expect it to really keep me on my toes as much as it did. I was expecting more a drama than that kind of mystery, which is why I was nicely surprised.

I think this book will probably get some teenagers to realize the impact of your online presence. That’s what I liked. It started as a couple of video filmed and staged to look slightly stalkerish, only to end up getting the attention of a real stalker. There was just enough creepiness with the videos being posted online to make people realize that posting everything online may not be the wisest idea.

The book is fast paced, as it is a little short (only 250 pages). It was slightly confusing at first I must say, as there were a lot of characters that were suddenly feature without really being introduced. That’s probably the only thing that was really missing for me. I like knowing a little more about the characters that are there for more than just two or three sentences.

Alicia may have been making me scream with some of her choices, especially when it came down to her best friend Jacy, but I still really liked her. I wished we could have known more about her best friends though. From what I’ve read, I really like Jacy, so a little more from him would have been nice (in the next book perhaps???). The other characters really didn’t stand out that much, which is understandable with a book that short.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I really got captivated by the mystery surrounding the stalker. It really got me hooked and I can’t wait to read more from Carol M. Tanzman.  If you’re looking for a fast and captivating book, you should probably give it a shot!


  1. This book sounds so good! How have I not really been aware of it until now?! Thanks for sharing your thoughts--I can't wait to read it now. :)

  2. The second review I'm reading for this book and quite different from the first one! I'm really glad you liked it. I too think it sounds great and am real curious! (Especially as a former dancer and still a lover of dancing!) I miiiight pick it up. Maybe. I'm intrigued, though! Great review. :)

    Rebecca @ Kindle Fever

  3. I read this book around 2 weeks ago, i enjoyed it too, my review is very similar to yours :P It was a great read overall :D

    - juhina

  4. This is one that I'm really hoping to read soon! It looks great! And I'm really glad that you liked it and agree that it is so important for kids and people in general to realize what an online presence really means.

    Another book that does something similar that I thought was phenomenal is Want to Go Private? by Sarah Darer Littman.
