Title: The Mephisto Covenant
Author: Trinity Faegen
Release Date: September 27th, 2011
Series: The Mephisto Covenant #1
Number of Pages: 439
Publisher: Edgemont
Source: NetGalley
Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answer means pledging her soul to Eryx, she unlocks a secret that puts her in grave danger—Sasha is Anabo, a daughter of Eve, and Eryx’s biggest threat.
A son of Hell, immortal, and bound to Earth forever, Jax looks for redemption in the Mephisto Covenant—God’s promise he will find peace in the love of an Anabo. After a thousand years, he’s finally found the girl he’s been searching for: Sasha.
With the threat of Eryx looming, Jax has to keep Sasha safe and win her over. But can he? Will Sasha love him and give up her mortal life?
This is the kind of book that you will either love who hate. If you’re sucked in the story, you will probably be able to forget some details that will annoy the hell out of you.
I did really enjoy it, but I know that some detail will probably annoy many people. First, I must say that the author has pushed the Russian stereotype a little too far. Crime and Mafia everywhere? Come on. Yes, Russia is different than the USA, still it doesn’t mean that everything is controlled by the Mafia (after all, there’s not only the Russian Mafia, most country have there’s…
The whole romance is cute; unless you kind of remember the fact that she is the only girl Jax can be with. Not because he loved her, because she’s the only one that can support his evilness and save him from it. Now, we can see through the book that he ends up caring for her. Still, it left me skeptical at first. This book really did grow on me, to the point of really loving it. I love reading about Sasha, who has never felt a bad emotion before, discovering anger through her connection with Jax. I liked her more when she started to be less naïve and innocent, and more human,
I really liked Jax and his brother. They were my favorite characters in the book, because they were the only one that seems to really be who they were. Sasha was too naïve, and she didn’t want to accept that. Also, everyone seemed to be falling on the dark side, even character I thought were too strong to do so. That’s why I ended up disliking most of the characters in the end. How could they all fall to evil! Where’s the world going?
Overall, a really great book for I series I’m really excited to keep on reading. If you like that kind of book, you’ll probably enjoy this on! Also, I really like the cover, but I can’t think of where in the book Sasha would end up with that kind of dress… (Tell me if you do!)

I'm reading this one right now, but I'm wary about it. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews, some saying it's not so good, some saying it's really good. Not sure what I'll think at this point!